My most useful IFTTT recipes

It is certainly possible to use IFTTT recipes for frivolous and inconsequential purposes, indeed there are many such recipes out there (including many of mine), but IFTTT does nonetheless have the potential for great time saving and functionality-adding purposes. Below is a shortlist of what I think are the best recipes I’ve created over a couple of years – judged by how useful they are and their popularity with other IFTTT users.

Interested to add the recipe?  Click the image, or use the links at the bottom of each section to find out more where applicable.

1. Boom! The best recipe for adding notes to Evernote with Siri.
IFTTT recipe icon - Send Siri notes to EvernoteThere is a plethora of recipes on IFTTT that attempt to provide a way to capture notes into Evernote via Siri. The aim is absolutely understandable: Siri is an incredibly fast way to capture information on iOS and Evernote is the go to place to store your captured information. I did in fact create a recipe similar to those recipes out there which uses a Reminders list for Siri to capture to. But I promptly realised a couple of snags. A. The protocol is slightly awkward – using a reminder to take a note. B. The recipe required the IFTTT app to sync the reminder info to the cloud. Often that would mean you would have to open the app at some point to ensure it synced. So I put my mind to how Siri’s built in note-taking facility could be used. This recipe, with the accompanying iOS settings, is the result of that endeavour.
(Find out more)

2. Backup Contacts.
IFTTT recipe icon - Backup iOS contacts in DriveThis recipe doubles as a backup for your iOS contacts and as a way for creating a database that could be imported elsewhere fairly easily.
(See recipe on IFTTT)

3. Create an Automated Timesheet.
IFTTT recipe icon - Log work hours and generate timesheetWhen this recipe is combined with a Google spreadsheet I designed you can keep track of the hours you spend at your workplace and generate a timesheet automatically.  The recipe is triggered by your arrivals and departures from a location.  If you work at home you could still use the spreadsheet, but you would need another trigger.  I like Launch Centre Pro for creating “buttons” to trigger recipes, or there is now the Do app from IFTTT which would do it.
(Find out more)

4. Log an exchange rate.
IFTTT recipe icon - Log exchange rateIf you regularly work with more than one currency you may find this recipe of use – especially if you already work with Google spreadsheets a lot. It creates a log of an exchange rate in a Google spreadsheet. You can then link the log with your other spreadsheets (they have to be Google spreadsheets) and automatically have an up to date exchange rate wherever you need it.
(See recipe on IFTTT)

6 thoughts on “My most useful IFTTT recipes

  1. Hey Dan! Some great content and very helpful, as I hate having the ^3 when helping my kids and nieces with homework. What I am having a problem with is finding the unicode symbol for “cents”… my 2nd grader still works with the dent symbol, so $0.02 is Greek to her LoL Anyway you could help here? I’m sure I’ve looked past the dumb symbol a dozen times, as they all become a blur after a bit, but your assistance would be greatly appreciated.


  2. Loving the Automated Timesheet recipe! However I would like to use it with the trigger being the ssid from the wifi at my work instead of the location trigger. Is this possible?


    • If you have an Android phone you can use the Android channel on IFTTT to trigger on connection to your work WiFi. I can see the benefit – that way you know you are in work and not just passing the locale!

      It has just occurred to me that if you’re using this recipe you have an iPhone (because it is triggered on iOS location I think). In that case it is t possible sadly 😟


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